Welcome to this page!

Online I'm known as Floop, I'm 20 y/o and I'm a selftaught Artist and Animator and a current "Media and Computing" student from Germany.  I use any pronouns, but I prefer They/Them or gender neutral pronouns in general!Every now and then, I post my Art on my Social Media or do other silly posts. Sometimes I do multiple pieces back to back and sometimes just one thing, before vanishing back into my little goblin hideout for a variable amount of time-  all depending on free time, motivation, my mental state etc. :>
There you will find Art of Mostly Anthro Animals (mainly birds, as I'm an avid avian enjoyer) and Sceneries, with varying styles and techniques like sketching, flat colouring / full shading and rendering or just painting, sometimes a mix of some of what I've just mentioned!
Some pieces can be more "cute" or "wholesome", other's more emotional or Potentially Suggestive, so be warned!
It should also be mentioned that my art falls under CC BY-NC-SA, in case you want to share it around somewhere where it isn't linked back to me by default.I'm relatively new to posting stuff online, but I'll try to keep up with it relatively regularly!
All in all, I welcome you to tag along!  If you're interested, I also do Commissions from time to time, so be sure to check that out above!
I usually don't point attention to this, but if you enjoy my art and find yourself here a lot, you should consider leaving a nice comment on one of my posts or giving me a tip to support me!  Both are great ways to show your appreciation and allow me to do all this stuff for free and for everyone to see! (And of course it gives me the happy! :3)That being said, enjoy your day and don't forget to hydrate! 💜

If you want all the ressources in a more clean and tidy environment, you can check them out on my Private Discord Commissions Server, where you can view them all in separate channel!
There you can also message me directly, without the need to wait for a friend request to go through and be accepted!  Alternatively, you can go through the sections via the Navigation Bar above or next to the segment's header!

Current Queue:

-- Done --
❖❀ In Work: ❀❖
•• Pending: ••
2 slots remain.
Current slot allocations can be found on:
Twitter or BSky.

           General Info:   next

If you somehow made it here, welcome and thank you so much as to even considering me as someone you'd commission! 💜I'd recommend going through the individual segments and at least skim over them, especially This Segment and the General TOS, before making your final decision on things.How to commission me:
Before you try commissioning me, please make sure that I have them open.
I will update my profile and make a public post, where you should follow the steps mentioned in them accordingly to apply.
Just make sure that its a still ongoing slot allocation and/or that you don't cross the limit for that slot (only if one is set), otherwise I will reject your request.
To make the process comfortable for both me and yourself, I have made a form with all the important stuff for you to check and answer.
Some questions there are required to have only one answer checked and some of the decisions need some extra resources like a description or image and they will be marked as such (just look at the legends that I have included at the top of Form)!
Just copy the form and fill everything out accordingly.
You can then DM Me the Filled out Form as text or in an intelligible image(s) (no files please) along with the references etc. on Discord (floop_deloop).
The form is not mandatory, but please include all the important stuff, if you decide not to use it.
When you join the aforementioned Private Discord Commissions Server, this process won't require me to get and then accept a friend request, before you can send me all the stuff, making it a bit easier and faster, but this is also an optional thing.
For further questions etc. state your intentions directly and don't just write "hi" and wait for me to respond to that please.
If your commission is accepted, you'll get a Randomized Token from me. With this token, you can see if or when your commission is being worked on and its status in Current Queue at the top of this page.
I will try to do them in order, but please note that sometimes I will do smaller things first for time reasons.

prev.   General TOS:   next

0. Table of Contents:
1. General info
   1.1 What I expect
   1.2 What you can expect
   1.3 What you can do with your commissioned piece
   1.4 What I will and will not draw
2. Pricing & Refunds
3. Furthermore

1. General Info:
1.1 What I expect:
First things first:
      include any form of reference for your character(s) (Like existing drawings or a ref sheet [The more the better!])
      Describe the desired pose / expression of the character(s)
   •   (optionally) tell me something about the characters personality for stylisation purposes
   •   (optionally) a reference of any pose or (if chosen) scenery
Please only use characters that are either yours or characters you were given permission to make commissions with.1.2 What you can expect:
I will take commissions periodically.
When I do, I will work on them in any order I see fit and since I have other stuff going on, you can expect the commission to be done within two months, but it'll most likely be a lot sooner.
If it takes longer for whatever reason, I will try to reach out to you personally or make a public post about it.
Please refrain from asking me about my progress before said month and please don’t push me or be annoying either way. I’m just trying my best. :(
1.3 What you can do with your commissioned piece:
My artworks fall under CC BY-NC-SA.
I will generally watermark my work no matter what and it isn’t to be removed!
1.4 What I will and will not draw:
What I will draw:
   +   Anthros / Furries
   +   Ferals
   +   Backgrounds and Scenery
   /    Humanoids (not my forte)
   /    I’m generally fine with some NSFW. To get the forms/instructions for that, you will have to ask me in my dms directly (before filling out any other forms). You can expect me to then ask you for some sort of age verification. Only then will I accept your com!
What I won’t draw under any circumstances:
      Gore (Some blood is ok, but no guts and stuff)
      Morally questionable or hateful things (should be a given)
      ships or similar of real or unconsenting characters
      NFT or crypto stuff or anything AI related

2. Pricing & Refunds:
All of my pricings are in €.
The pricings are set, do not include extra prices like background or multiple characters, and are NOT open for negotiation. Exceptions are:
      The commission contains multiple characters with different level of visibility (e.g. one character seen as a bust and another in full body)
      Any of the options that indicate an additional charge
      You want to upgrade the type of quality along the way (eg: from Flat Colouring to Fully Shaded [This will cost extra to discourage this])
I will decline commissions, if:
      They're not within these TOS
      I'm not comfortable / feeling capable enough to draw your commission appropriately
      Something happens, that doesn't allow me to work on the commissions
      You are either disrespectful or too pushy or just didn’t fill out the forms accordingly and don’t respond or resubmit the form in a timely fashion
I will give a full refund minus the taxes and fees that are deducted from the back and forth and (potential) currency conversion before I start working on the commission. However, this is very annoying, so please just double check if everything is good.
Once I start working on your commission, I will not do any refunds, because -frankly- I don’t like wasting my time when I’m already struggling to stay afloat.

3. Furthermore:
When you've gotten this far, thank you for considering me as the artist you trust with your commission! ♥
If there are any concerns or questions, feel free to contact me and I'll make sure to answer asap! (note that I might be busy at the time and take a day or two and also please just ask directly).
Just go by the rule of “ask and don’t assume”.
That being said: Have a wonderful stay and don’t forget to drink some water! 🥤

prev.   Prices:   next

❖❀~ Bust / Headshot ~❀❖This selection is perfect for profile pictures, icons, stickers or emotes, though you can surely find other great purposes for it as well!
(Anything above the underbust line [~where the stomache lies] counts towards this!)
The base price for each stage goes as follows:
Sketch / Lineart:  .  .  7.50€
Flat Colouring:  .  .  .  10€
Fully Shaded: .  .  .  .  13€

Profile Picture

❖❀~ Halfbody ~❀❖This selection is perfect to get simple, but still cool character art done, where you can see more than just the head or bust and have your character interact within an environment.
Though not always the best for it, these kind of images can work as stickers as well, given that they are relatively big.
(Anything above knee [exclusive] and below the underbust counts towards this!)
The base price for each stage goes as follows:
Sketch/ Lineart:  .  .  .  15€
Flat Colouring: .  .  .  .  20€
Shaded:  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  27€

Profile Picture

❖❀~ 3/4- / Fullbody~❀❖This selection is perfect when halfbody or less isnt enough and you want to see more of your gorgeous critter drawn!
It usually is a bit more restrictive with foreground elements, posing etc. than halfbody drawing, as the focus lays more on the character than anything else
(Anything below the knee counts towards this!)
The base price for each stage goes as follows:
Sketch/ Lineart:  .  .  .  33€
Flat Colouring: .  .  .  .  40€
Shaded:  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  55€

Profile Picture

❖❀~ Backgrounds ~❀❖ (check Examples below)The character should be the focus of a piece.  A good background help can help with that and alongside can add a lot of depth or context to a piece, giving it more of an impact or story.
It is also possible to just do a background commission of course! (Would be kind of a power move honestly)
One Colour   .   .   .   .  (Free)
Stroke Around   .   .   .  (Free)
Simple Backdrop   .   .  (Free)
Abstract .   .   .   .   .   . (+2€)
Simple Scene .   .   .   . (+2€)
Full Scene  .   .   .   .   . (variable [we will work it out together])
Other (like a Photo).   . (variable [we will work it out together])

❖❀~ Other Prices ~❀❖
While it is hard to find a good resting ground for that, please note that I will make a small up-charge for characters with a lot of doohickeys and details that take as much or even more effort to draw than the character in itself, if it is important to you to not simplify those details.Other commission types like Custom Emotes, Reference Sheets etc. are possible after consultation.
They will be treated as the closest thing in this list price-wise (A reference sheet with a front and back of the character will be treated as 2 fullbody characters for example) or if its a simple shape emote, like the goober used in Examples below), certain discounts can be arranged!
Still active YCH's found through a post, will have their price listed on that post.

prev.   Examples:   next

The top 3 images are simple examples for all the quality stages (Sketch / Lineart, Flat Colouring and Shaded) and the bottom 6 for some backgrounds types (One Colour, Stroke Around, Simple Backdrop, Abstract, Simple Scene, Full Scene... Other types, like a photo bg are possible after consultation):

Profile Picture

A simple example of the proportions:

Profile Picture

prev.   Form:          

(* + italic: required field;  only one box can be selected;  fields without checkboxes require text as an answer;  check boxes like this: [  ] -> [X])------------copy below------------
What stage of quality do you want your commission to be in? *
[  ]  Sketch / Lineart
[  ]  Flat colouring
[  ]  Shaded
(repeat for every character [3 max for now])
Name of character: *

Describe your characters personality briefly:

What pose do you want your character to be in?: *

What body proportion do you want your character to have? *
[  ]  Bust / Headshot
[  ]  Halfbody
[  ]  ¾- / Fullbody
———————————————————————————————————What kind of background do you want your commission to have? *
[  ]  One Colour
[  ]  Stroke Around
[  ]  Simple Backdrop
[  ]  Abstract                       (+2€)
[  ]  Simple Scene              (+2€)
[  ]  Full Scene                   (variable, we will work it out together)
[  ]  Other (Like Photo)
What do you want your background to look like? (e.g. colour(s) or [if chosen] scenery):

Do you want me to ask for feedback after some stages of the process? *
[  ]  Yes, I want to give feedback to ensure it’s perfect!
[  ]  No, I want to be surprised!
Am I allowed to post this commission and use it as a potential example image for my commissions?: (Note that I will keep the files on my drive still) *
[  ]  Yes, as long as you credit the character’s owners.
[  ]  Yes, but keep me anonymous.
[  ]  No, please keep it private.
You hereby confirm that you have read the TOS and understand all conditions, requirements etc. stated in them. *  [  ]